Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Genealogy Fan Chart

Genealogy Fan Chart

Yo Adrian!!!!!! I did it!!!

One of the best scenes from any Rocky Movie!

Geneology, I am doing it! My genealogy......

Another reason to start this blog is to share stories of our families, present and deceased. Last night for FHE we logged into the church history section of lds.org. Go to the youth page, click on family history, and waaalaahh! You can create a genealogy fan for the members of your family. It is pretty cool. There are also some great names to be found. A few of my personal favorites; Zebiah Razee, Isriel Wickam Morrison(hopefully his character was much better than Jane Austen's wickam!), Pleasant Basham, Mahala Buckeleu, and my personal favorite, Jimima Holdaway! I am curious to know some of their stories. I wonder what records are out there. Mom? Do you know? Also, we should recognize mom's efforts on behalf of dad's family. I believe she is the only person who has completed work for his side. There is a lot left to do! Maybe we can work on that this summer.

" The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together." ~Erma Bombeck

Starting with something nice!

Okay! So I would like to start this blog for our family. We will all be living in different states in a few months, and I would like to keep up with everyone and have a bit of fun too! Feel free to send me photos, videos, information, and I will post it! Now, that the housekeeping is finished..... let's start!

An official family blog would be off to a great start if we could give each other advice and hot tips! Well.... we are in luck! Marla has found (well, I had discovered it also, but credit goes to Marla. She actually took the time to make all the phone calls to take credit! Ha!) So, do you want long, fake, and gorgeous eyelashes? hmm? Look no further... Voluminous Million Lashes (L'Oreal) stands up to the test. :) I want pictures of your eyes, or the eyes of cute nieces and the occasional nephew if desired.