Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I long for civility!

I love 'Downtown Abbey!'  Some may turn their noses and refer to it as nothing more than your basic soap opera, disguised in English gowns and maid uniforms.  It may indeed be just that, but it entertains me, and there is not much out there that is smart, elegant, and well written.  This past weekend, I was ill and spent the entire night of Friday on the couch watching episode after episode.  My children even enjoyed it, and were caught up in the storyline.  We actively booed the villains, cheered the heroes, and cast votes as to the characters in that gray area of moral fence sitting.  I love how the English use their language.  They have the ability to say the kindest,  meanest, sharpest, funniest, clever, spot on retort  leaving their prey wondering if they have just been complimented or if they are bleeding profusely from a word inflicted wound!  I love it!  The Dowager is the best at this game of mental fencing.  I leave you with some of her best.  Enjoy!

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